What is the definition of a good Cold Call? The answer is; 'Agreement'. At the end of each of your calls you should get an agreement to the next step or the next action to be taken by you and your suspect. For example; 'We will speak again on Tuesday at 3:15 to discuss my findings'. Or, 'I will call you in 2 weeks to see if anything has changed in your organization'.
Always leave the door open for a follow up to your call. These suspects then go into your calendar. If you have an agreement to a follow up then you must follow up. Your suspect will respect your professionalism based on the fact that you do what you say you will do. If you promise to send them some industry related information to their business in the next 10 minutes then make sure you send this information in the next 10 minutes. Your actions speaks volumes to your suspect on how you will be professional and responsive to their needs in the event you do conduct business together.
Getting an agreement can also be that there is not a good fit between what you offer and your suspects needs. Eventually you may have to accept that a NO is really a NO. In this situation, respect that decision with acknowledgement of the NO and remind them that if anything changes in the future to please contact you or refer you to any person they know who would benefit from your product or services. Offer them a referral incentive like a dinner for 2 at their favorite resturant. Be creative with your incentives but make sure it is what they would appreciate as a reward.
Too often I have heard from an excited sales person how they had a great call with a suspect where they connected at an emotional level and as a result the sales person didn't follow their agenda for the call and, didn't get the agreement to the next step. If you end a call not clear on what actions are to be taken next by both of you, including when you will speak again, then it was not a good call.
Remember that an agreement is where both parties agree to the next step. When you said you will follow up in 2 weeks on Tuesday at 3:15 did they respond "Yes that works for me"? If not, then you don't have agreement.
Get an Agreement on each Cold Call you make and watch your closing ratios increase. Watch your client list increase. Watch your revenue increase. Watch your life change.
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