I was driving during rush hour as millions of us do daily and in front of me today I was reading an LED scrolling across my line of vision promoting Air Canada. Now you may be thinking, what's so unique about that? Answer: it was on the rear license plate holder which was on a family mini van driven by a mother with children sitting in the back seat. Why she would be promoting Air Canada I can only guess. But, what it did do was made me go to the Air Canada web site to investigate this further. Nothing there could be found about these LED license plate holders. But it did get me to go to their web site. I did some more searching and found a site that claims to be the "original" of this LED scrolling display and therefore the cheapest, ScrollingStuff.com.
Just imagine how powerful this would be for your entrepreneurial business if you were to have your business website address scrolling across the back of your car. Everyday, people are stuck in traffic reading your URL. Eventually their curiosity drives them to go to your web site. And to their surprise they are greeted with; "welcome" and offered a discount for visiting your site from seeing the LED display. Building a website for your business is only the beginning. You still need to drive traffic to your site and then covert them to customers.
Scrolling Stuff offers these LED scrolling display license plate holders for $49.99 usd plus shipping. A reasonable price considering what we spend on Telephone Directory advertising that does little to drive traffic to your website.
I love this idea and if you have a fleet of vehicles you may want to look into this thinking outside of the box idea and start 'Marketing On Wheels'.
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