Saturday, March 10, 2007

Young Entrepreneurs Organization - YEO

I was reading about the new look of YEO (Young Entrepreneurs Organization) which is now EO (Entrepreneurs Organization). This Global Organization is made up of entrepreneurs who can be no older than 40 years of age and who all run companies that exceed $1M (US) in revenue. This organization now boasts the combined sales of more than $81 billion (US) with 6000+ members in 40 countries. They provide support from peers with guidance and education to each other and if you are a young entrepreneur, then this is an organization that you should strive to become a member of as soon as you reach their minimum requirements. (Click on this post title for the EO link)

I can remember my early years in business as a trial and error process of won and lost opportunities. In other words, I had no one I could bounce business direction ideas off of before investing my hard earned money. This can be a costly way to learn business, 'the school of hard knocks'.

When I first started looking at franchise businesses this is what appealed to me most; the best ones (as ranked by, have been through the learning curve and with their proven system of success, you no longer have to spend money wastefully in the first years of your business learning what does not work. If you are considering a franchise business then all you need do is pursue the highest ranked franchise that you can afford and that fits your personality of a business you would enjoy.

If you decide to go the 'start up' route then you should strive to find mentors (a good place to find mentors is at your local Chamber of Commerce), who will provide you free advice and when you do meet the requirements of EO, then you should join.

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