I know, 'Think Inside The Box' goes against everything you have been told in this new era of evangelistic business gurus' shouting creativity for better productivity, higher yields, higher profitability, etc. They shout from the Ivory Tower roof tops to 'Think Outside The Box'. Well here is a possible paradigm shift...sometimes a re-invention of an old invention is the best invention. Perhaps building in the box is the best idea for an already successful idea.
Take for example the Japanese grocery markets who complained that watermelons odd larger shape took up too much precious retail display space. The natural reaction is to say too bad. Can't change mother nature. But instead, the Japanese re-invented a great idea by thinking inside the box. They grew watermelons in a box and the watermelon then formed to a uniform box shape. This saved dollars in shipping cost and allowed for more units at the point of sale, the grocery market.
What about the small wheels on our travelling suitcase. Two great inventions, the suitcase and the wheel come together to form an even greater idea.
What are you doing in your business to 'Think Inside The Box'?
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Daisey Posegate
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Good luck Daisey!
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