Saturday, March 31, 2007

Blog Suggestion Box

I recently created a 'Suggestions Blog' for employees to submit ideas by posting comments in various categories. This is a great idea to grow your company beyond your own ideas by leveraging the power of your own internal knowledge share network. In a true 'Think Tank' environment no idea is a bad idea. Once an idea is submitted the discussions that follow may lead to your next multi-million dollar idea. I remember learning in a Marketing class years ago about 3M and the development of the yellow Post-it notes. 3M also had a Think Tank that discussed at the time the complete failure of a super glue. A great deal of time and money was spent to create this super glue that ended up being so weak that it appeared to be good for nothing, a complete failure. After much brainstorming with many crazy ideas thrown out for consideration, one idea led to another idea and eventually the Post-it note was invented. The glue was too weak to be a super glue or any kind of multi-purpose glue but it was of the ideal strength for the Post-it note. Today there isn't an office I know of that doesn't use Post-it notes.

What are you doing to solicit ideas from your staff? How easy is it for you to collect those ideas? Have you thought of the Suggestions Blog?


Anonymous said...

The one suggestion I would definitely offer is allow your employees to express themselves through bad poetry. Check out an exaple of this in my post, "The Blogger's Poem"

Ray MacNeil said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you... poetry, even bad poetry can be the vehicle to creativity and I would be negligent, negligent, negligent if I didn't provide the gas. :)

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