Is Cold-FX the cure for the most common illness, the common cold? Maybe. The makers of Cold-FX don't make the claim to cure the cold. They in fact have applied simple logic to this age old problem. The same problem that persists business owners and turns most of us into 'firefighters'. We run around the office in complete turmoil, always busy but never getting anything done, trying to solve urgent problems...'firefighting'. When we firefight we tend to ignore what is really important in our business and that is; working on our plan.
What does this have to do with Cold-FX? Plenty.
Cold-FX is a remedy that works on the age old Ben Franklin quote; 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.'
Cold-FX claim to 'boost your immune system to stop, shorten or reduce cold and flu symptoms'. And from the people I know who use the product every day, it works. Why does it work? Because it doesn't wait for the cold and then try and cure the problem. It has a plan that when followed prevents the cold. Do you see the similarities to business and where I'm going now?
How many small and medium sized business owners, the true entrepreneurs, have a business plan? A Marketing plan of any kind? Not many, based on the many I have spoke to over the years.
Think of your business plan as your road map to success. Or, as your ounce of prevention...your Cold-FX. Make sure your plan lays out what you want to achieve in growth over the next 5 years. Start at a high level and then drill down to the point where you have a daily plan. If you don't know how to do this then source out some local expertise and get it done. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce for direction to perhaps resources or someone on their membership roster.
Sure you will have fires to put out occasionally but now you will be able to prioritize what is urgent, what is important and what can wait based on your plan.
Stop your Searching! If you want one place to go and gather information that is relevant to a Small or Medium size business owner or you're considering getting into your own business then this Blog will be your greatest resource. Your "One Stop Shop" for SMB information. Ray MacNeil, MSCC - MacNeil Sales Consulting and Contracting: Direct Message me for a free Confidential and Unique Franchise Fit Evaluation.
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