Saturday, June 9, 2007

American Airlines Moves 200,000 People Per Day

I wanted to bring to the forefront again QR Codes or Qcodes (Mobile Picture Phone Readers) and encourage you to read the comments to my post; North American Marketers Are Xenophobic which speaks further to how this technology is entering the North American Market and starting with the Airline Industry is going to make checking in and getting an airline ticket much more easy and convenient. It appears there is a battle ensuing on which technology is better today and for the future. It comes down to which technology reads better on the picture phones and, with the HP Steered MC2 Consortium working toward creating a standard for the mobile phone industry, if your reader is not the standard you stand to lose billions of dollars in future sales.

Just imagine how quickly this will grow in North America when airlines adopt this technology built into mobile picture phones. American Airlines advertises now they move 200,000 people per day on their flights. Multiply this number by the number of Major Airlines and 365 days in a year and you start to see how fast the end user will adopt this method of phone reader for convenience of checking in and getting a flight ticket. Roll this out to hotels and the tourism industry and it is mind boggling how fast this can and will grow.

Is your business ready for this new technology?


Anonymous said...

The built into mobile picture phones will make the porcedure of getting tickets and getting on the flight itself easier and faster, that means that airlines will be able to host more people and so the airline business will develop faster and be more profitable.

Ray MacNeil said...

Very good point and observation. I'm always amazed how technology can create new businesses but probably just as amazed when it saves a failing business.

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