Friday, April 27, 2007

There Is No Room For PAIN In Sales

I just read an article sent to me from Ari Galper, Creator of 'Unlock The Game' speaking to high pressure sales tactics promoted by some self proclaimed Sales Gurus that by leveraging the prospects PAIN points you can manipulate the prospect to buy from you. I agree with Ari that this type of sales thinking, "old school", is what gives sales people a bad name. I do believe we need to identify the Prospects PAIN points as it is true that they are 10 times more likely to take an action to remove a pain than to move toward a pleasure. However, that does not mean we must sell them something they don't need.

A professional sales person will ask powerful questions that identifies the prospects problems and will care more about helping with those problems than making the sale. This is based on their high level of integrity. In other words, if I can help you with your problems, great. If not, then I will find someone who can help. Solving a prospects problems regardless if it makes you a sale or not is a caring attitude that will get you more of the right customers over the long term. It will get you customers that will be loyal to you and refer you to other similar thinking business owners.

Is there room for PAIN in Sales? Certainly. If it is designed to identify problems you can solve with a caring attitude.

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