Monday, April 30, 2007

Dairy Farmer Cries Over Spilled Milk

Click here to read about how a Michigan Dairy Farmer in the United States was the victim of a sting operation because he was selling raw milk. (Raw milk is not homogenized or pasteurized). Raw milk apparently has a following of consumers who swear to the health aspects of feeling better and not sick as often, etc. What intrigued me most about this story is how quickly action was taken to help the farmer and his co-op business.

As a result of an email correspondence started by an email letter from Steve Bemis, a 60 year old pension lawyer and consumer of raw milk, to the head of the Michigan Agricultural Department of Food and Dairy, Bemis ended up representing the farmer for free. A ground swell of letters followed sent to the politicians and Government officials involved to stop this harassment and to also help them understand that raw milk is in their opinion healthier. In other words, we should have the freedom of choice.

The internet and emails had brought this farmer's circumstances to a quicker resolve. Don't under estimate the power of writing letters and certainly the power of the internet. We are now a larger voice to get the government to listen to alternate opinions and maybe now take action quicker. Next time you feel wronged, let the world know through the internet.

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