Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Have You Put The Dog Out?

When you're building a pipeline of leads in your business they will all begin to become leads who are at different stages of the decision making process. You will have leads that say "no", leads that say "maybe" and leads that say "yes".

The yes leads are money leads. In other words, they are ready to give you a cheque. Your no leads just need time before they need your offering or, you eventually show them the benefit of your product or service. Provided of course, they are properly qualified by you before you made contact with that lead. The maybe leads are the "dog" leads. The leads which are stalled in your pipeline and they are not moving forward at all. There are many schools of thought on how to handle these leads so I suspect I will get some reaction to this but, understand that your maybe leads will become all consuming of your time and will not make you any money in most cases.

If you pursue a maybe lead continually over a long period of time, more than 6 months, then you may be barking up the wrong tree with this dog. You need to express to your lead that you care, but not that much. If you are that hungry for his business then he will not respect you nor trust you to give his business to your company. Busy people want to do business with busy people.

My recommendation is that once a week you 'clean house' of these maybe leads and put the 'dog out'.

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