Thursday, March 29, 2007

Golf Closes The Great Sales Divide

I was speaking with an Internet Business Consultant located in the UK today who told me about the Golfing Association he founded back in 1999 with a few others as a way to create charitable funds. Since 1999 with only a few members who loved the game of golf and played in different local clubs they have grown to over 50 members who all love the game of golf and play different courses now in different parts of the world. The monies they generate through various drives that are conceived on those golfing trips has certainly benefited their chosen charities. They have also benefited from each other.

Besides the good feeling of giving back to their community, they have made many new friends who all enjoy the game of golf. But the benefit to their respective businesses is even more evident as they all share referrals and conduct business with each other where it is deemed necessary. As their charitable golfing association grows so will their business networking group who all share a love for the game of golf.

Now imagine speaking to a new prospect who also loves the game of golf and when the topic of golf comes up you speak about this association, perhaps you get them excited about being a part of the association or as a minimum they want to listen to what you have to say because you know Mr. Big Wig of ABC company and they would like to get to know him for their business. Anyway you look at it, this Golfing Charitable Organization is a Win/Win/Win that 'Closes the Great Divide' between seller and buyer.

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